Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sept. 29,2013

I should have started this months ago. I've thought about it hundreds of times, but never followed through. So today I begin and in the future I can always update with things as I remember.This morning, while changing Sal, he got a hold of his Pegg (feeding) tube and then........ off to the ER. Thank goodness this was a quick in and out in less than 1 hr. Last week, Sept. 20, we ended up there for 14 hours. So we are home and we Skyped with Melissa and I'm trying so hard to figure out what he  like to eat that won't bore him. Then it hit me...... his favorite treat.... Little Debbie's Strawberry Shortcake rolls..... yes. The girls sent 5 boxes for father's  day to Sal and I still have 3 boxes left. So while he's talking to Melissa i go and cut one up. Boy did he loved that!!!!!! Washed it down with water. Melissa said she enjoyed watching him eat but i could tell. We were both feeling the same. I was teaching him how to eat and hold a  fork to get it to his mouth. Just like you work with a little kid. He has no recall of having been to the ER this morning. Here he  lies, this is killing his children and me too. He was always the leader of the family.  the one that held us together, the one we always leaned on, now he is child like.   My heart aches, bleeds, break for him.  He shouldn't have to suffer these indignities, the humiliation, my poor poor Sal.